This morning, while harboring in the New York City, the newest ship of Carnival Cruise Line, Carnival Horizon, hit the west end of Pier 90 of Manhattan Terminal. Though, in the incident, no injuries have been reported, and no damage happened to the ship itself. Thus, it has received OK to get departed tonight, according to the scheduled, for its next sailing.
In the statement, the authority said, in the collision ship damaged two metal support beams as well as a part of the parking level present on the pier. The collision happened when Carnival Horizon was returning from the eight-night Eastern Caribbean cruise on August 20 that departed from the New York. The ship, debuted in April 2018 and it is very close to completing the maiden season and it will end in New York.
On the Cruise Critic Boards (CCB), the member shof515 said, “With the Manhattan terminal, this is a known issue and long, bigger ships always have a close call. They often get collided while making that tight 90 degree turn into the terminal. “New York City is my home port, and I sail out of this terminal always. This is not the first time I have seen this accident, it has been more than a dozen times this has happened here, but not a major one.”